Adorable new kittens sleeping.

Congratulations on your decision to bring a new kitten into your life! You’re in for an exciting and rewarding experience, but there are a few things you need to know before you bring your furry friend home—especially if this is your first time owning a kitten. Here are some tips to help you prepare. 

Create a Safe Environment

When you bring your adopted kitten home, it’s essential to give them time to adjust. Introduce them to one room at a time, and provide them plenty of space to explore. Supervise their early interactions with young children or other pets in the household.

Kittens are curious and playful, so make sure your home is safe. Keep dangerous items like cleaning products, electrical cords, and small objects out of reach. Consider getting a scratching post to protect your furniture.

Get the Right Supplies

Before bringing your new kitten home, make sure you have all the supplies you’ll need to keep them happy and healthy. Here are some essential supplies to consider:

Food and water bowls. Choose shallow, sturdy bowls that won’t tip over easily. Stainless steel or ceramic bowls are good options because they are easy to clean.

High-quality kitten food. Choose a high-quality kitten food that meets your kitten’s nutritional needs. Your veterinarian can recommend a brand appropriate for your kitten’s age and health.

Litter box and litter. A litter box and litter are essential. 

Toys. Kittens need toys to keep them entertained. Toy mice and other small plush toys are usually a hit, and kittens usually love dangling toys they can bat. 

Bedding. Consider getting a cozy bed or blanket where your kitten can curl up and relax.

Grooming supplies. Kittens need regular grooming to keep their coats healthy and shiny. Consider getting a brush, nail clippers, and a pet shampoo that is safe for kittens.

By getting these supplies ahead of time, you can make the transition to life with a new kitten smoother and less stressful.

Establish a Litter Box Routine

Establishing a litter box routine for your new kitten is important for their health and happiness and can help you avoid accidents in your home. Here are some steps you can take to create a successful litter box routine for your kitten:

  1. Make sure the litter box you choose is easy for your kitten to access and is the appropriate size for their needs. A litter box with low sides can be helpful for younger kittens.
  1. Choose a kitten-friendly litter containing materials that won’t be harmful if ingested. 
  1. Choose a location for your kitten’s litter box that is easily accessible and away from the areas where your kitten eats or sleeps. 
  1. When your kitten arrives in your home, show them where the litter box is and gently place them in it. Encourage your kitten to use the litter box by placing them in it after meals or naps. When your kitten uses the litter box, reward them with praise or a treat.
  1. Keep an eye on your kitten’s litter box habits, and clean it regularly to keep it smelling fresh.

By following these steps and creating a routine for your kitten’s litter box, you can help ensure that your kitten is healthy and happy in their new home.

When Should I Take My New Kitten to the Vet? 

Taking your new kitten to the vet is critical in ensuring their health and wellness. Here are some guidelines for when you should take your new kitten to the vet:

Initial check-up. You should take your new kitten to the vet for their first check-up as soon as possible after bringing them home. During this initial check-up, the vet will examine your kitten and make sure they are healthy.

Vaccinations. Kittens need a series of vaccinations to protect them from common feline illnesses. Your veterinarian will recommend a vaccination schedule based on your kitten’s age and health status.

Spaying or neutering. Many veterinarians recommend spaying or neutering kittens between the ages of 4-6 months.

Illness or injury. If your kitten becomes sick or injured, you should immediately take them to the vet. Signs of illness in kittens may include diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, or respiratory symptoms.

Regular check-ups. Once your kitten has had their initial check-up and vaccinations, they should continue to see the vet for regular check-ups. Your veterinarian will recommend a schedule based on your kitten’s health status.

Watch for changes in your kitten’s behavior or appearance to monitor their health. If you notice anything that concerns you, it’s best to err on the side of caution and take them to the vet. By providing your kitten with regular veterinary care, you can help them stay healthy and happy for many years to come.

To schedule a wellness appointment for your new kitten, please call us at (916) 939-1705. Our veterinarians at MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital are here to help your kitten get a great start on a happy, healthy life.