Cute tabby cat with pumpkin.

If your schedule is jam-packed with events and your credit card is nearly maxed out, it’s probably the holiday season! This time of year is undoubtedly brimming with good times; unfortunately, it is precisely the moment we’re distracted by something else, our pets naturally get into trouble. Even when our attention is trained on a pet’s every movement, accidents happen. This holiday season, we’ve got you covered with our pet-proofing strategies. 

Their Needs First

Whether you’re hosting a holiday party or attending gatherings out of state, your pet’s needs deserve their place at the top of the list. If they have experience with a trusted boarding facility or a pet sitter, consider hiring someone to care for your pet. Even if it’s just for a single evening, you can achieve peace of mind knowing that your pet is safe and well cared for.

Even pets that are highly trained and socialized need time away from the noise and action of a party. Should you decide to celebrate at home, be sure to provide a quiet place for them. Keep lights low, play soft music, and provide lots of fresh water and snacks. Stay with them as much as possible, or ask a family member to keep them company away from the hubbub. 

More Than Fitness

A great way to prevent accidents around the holidays is to keep up a pet’s routine. They enjoy being able to anticipate what’s coming next, especially when it’s about meal time or play time. 

Exercise has phenomenal advantages regardless of the season, but when a pet feels stressed or anxious (like we all do during the holidays), an extra walk or game of chase can help dispel any discomfort. You can also rely on exercise prior to attending any events or having people over as a way to use up any excess energy. 

No-No Foods

Pets are masters of opportunity and curiosity, and the holidays provide so many temptations. Advise any guests visiting your home that certain foods must remain off-limits to your pet (some folks can’t help but give in to the pleading eyes of hungry pets!). Never allow your pet to sample or have access to any of the following toxic foods:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Grapes/Raisins
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Xylitol (found in sugar-free baked good, candy, and mints)

To keep your pet out of the emergency room, be sure they do not eat dairy products, fatty meat, bones, or any rich foods. Pancreatitis, gastrointestinal obstruction, choking, and upset tummy are common complaints this time of year. 

Decor Galore!

Tinsel, string lights, glass ornaments, candles, potpourri, tree water chemicals, poinsettias…the list goes on and on! Most holiday decor is not pet safe, but with an eye on caution you can still prevent accidental illness or injury

Remove items that you know (or assume) will be hazardous to your pet’s well-being. Even if your cat hasn’t launched themselves onto the Christmas tree in previous years, it’s still a distinct possibility. Watch their behavior closely and supervise the ways they interact with their holiday-themed environment. If you can, contain them in a separate room or area when you have to leave the house. 

Holiday Pet Safety

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (916) 939‑1705. From all of us at MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital, we wish you and your pet a happy, safe holiday season together.