Cat Wellness Exams for the Win!

Cat at veterinarian.

We get it. Cats typically detest their travel crate and show white-hot rage/abject fear when placed in a car for travel. This means it’s pretty darn difficult to bring them into the vet. To complicate things, they’re famous for concealing any signs of illness or injury. So hidden are their potential symptoms, that long periods of time can go by without medical diagnosis or treatment. 


Pet Wellness Through the Lens of Prevention

Pet wellness.

It used to be that animals received veterinary care only when sick or injured. Perhaps unsurprisingly, pet mortality rates were much higher than they are today. Modern pet ownership hinges on staying in front of health problems related to age, breed, and lifestyle. Routine pet wellness exams coupled with preventive practices are extremely effective at keeping animals safe, healthy, and happy for many years. MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital wants to help build a strong foundation for your best friend so they can live with you for as long as possible.
