How to Detect, Treat, and Prevent Fleas and Ticks Year Round

dog and tick.

If you’re like many other pet owners, you believe that fall is an excellent time to take a break from administering monthly parasite prevention medication to your pet. Unfortunately, our temperate climate makes it so that fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes don’t ever take a break during the fall and winter. On the contrary, they remain a threat to pet health all year long. Year-round flea and tick prevention is the only way to safeguard a pet’s health, and we’ve got you covered. 


The Benefits of Regular Exercise and How to Keep Your Pet Active

Jogging with dog.

If the idea of snuggling with your pet for an entire afternoon sounds charming and restorative, you’re not alone. Most of us really enjoy, and even depend on, close time with our pets. The human-animal bond really shows up when you’re entwined on the couch for a Netflix bender. But the same benefits are equally present when exercising with your pet. When you prioritize pet exercise, you’re doing everyone a favor. And we’re pretty sure that Netflix is even more rewarding after some quality workout time.


Presenting Your Cat Health Checklist

Cat visiting a local vet.

Who knows better how to promote the best in pet health than your local vet? When it comes to veterinary medicine advice, cat owners in El Dorado County turn to MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital. Learn our best in cat health tips and keep your kitty purring!

Why Cat Health?


Five Common Signs of Pet Illness

A sick dog cuddles with its owner.

You know your pet better than anyone, and yet they still probably surprise you. Just when you think you’ve got them pegged, they do something (or opt-out of the expected behavior) that makes you wonder if all is well. When it comes to assessing how they feel physically, it can be anyone’s guess. Because they are hardwired for self-preservation at all costs, the animals we share our lives with could be suffering needlessly. That’s why it’s imperative to know and be able to recognize the five common signs of pet illness never to ignore or dismiss.


Your Guide to an At-Home Cat Health Assessment

A happy cat sleeping on the bed.

Cats certainly have a bit of mystery about them and are notoriously difficult to understand. MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital knows, though, that when you really start to pay attention, there are definitely ways to tell how your cat is doing. Taking a periodic at-home cat health assessment is an easy way to make sure your cat is happy and healthy.


When Good Organs Act Bad: Pancreatitis in Pets

Pancreatitis in pets.

The pancreas is a fairly small organ that resides in the upper abdomen. Most of the time, we forget it is there, but when it is unhappy, it can be quite hard to ignore. Pancreatitis in pets can be painful and make our furry friends pretty sick. At MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital, we think it’s important that pet owners know about pancreatitis in pets and how to prevent it. 


Pet Wellness Through the Lens of Prevention

Pet wellness.

It used to be that animals received veterinary care only when sick or injured. Perhaps unsurprisingly, pet mortality rates were much higher than they are today. Modern pet ownership hinges on staying in front of health problems related to age, breed, and lifestyle. Routine pet wellness exams coupled with preventive practices are extremely effective at keeping animals safe, healthy, and happy for many years. MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital wants to help build a strong foundation for your best friend so they can live with you for as long as possible.


Beyond Fresh Breath: The Importance of Pet Dental Care

El Dorodo Hills dog's teeth

Judging by the amount of toothpaste and mouthwash commercials on TV, it would appear that most of us are on board with dental hygiene. Although we can’t imagine not brushing our teeth every day and checking in with the dentist a couple of times per year, the majority of pet owners ignore their furry friend’s oral health. 

According to the American Veterinary Dental Association, up to 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of dental disease by the time they reach the age of 3. When left unchecked, dental disease can result in pain, tooth decay, tooth loss, and infection, both of the tissues in the mouth and the vital organs of the body. Poor oral health can actually decrease your pet’s lifespan!

Preventive pet dental care is a vital component of your pet’s well being, and MarketPlace Veterinary Hospital wants you to understand how regular home care, routine examinations, and professional dental cleanings can help.
